
This committee meets whenever the need arises.

The committee shall be responsible for working with the Communications Chair on the neighborhood organization’s activities related to coordinating strategy around the distribution of information via print, web, email and other media.

Volunteer communications liaisons are an integral part of the distribution of information. The essence of the “job” is serving as a contact person, one for each condo, apartment or other multi-family building within our boundaries of downtown. This person would post the MailChimp communications, newsletter/announcements sent out periodically by the DDN Communications committee. They may have an email list for their community or bulletin boards to post as a flyer. They would also let DDN know about activities or concerns in their building. This could include safety or city code related issues or social opportunities that other downtown neighbors may find of interest. We hope they will get to know their building, perhaps help recruit volunteers if the occasion arises or even promote themselves or others to serve on DDN committees.

For more information send an email to the chairperson c/o